Earlier this month, we announced that our campaign to transform Lyndale Ave S using a 4-3 safety treatment was successful. We have heard that Hennepin County plans to carry out this conversion sometime next year. Yet, we do not have an official start date or timeline for the project.

A public start date for this project is an important step in making sure that the County is accountable to folks who live, work and play along Lyndale Ave S. While we appreciate the stated intent to carry out the project, a public commitment with a clear timeline will go a long way towards ensuring transparency and building public trust.

Our goal is to continue to contact and build public pressure on District 3 Hennepin County Commissioner Marion Greene and Hennepin County Public Works staff until a start date is made public and the plan for the 4 — 3 conversion is announced on the Hennepin County Lyndale Avenue Safety Improvements page.

Our elected officials are responsible for the well being of residents in Minneapolis, including those who walk, bike, roll and drive Lyndale Avenue. The cost and time it takes to complete this project is very little. Yet, we must come together and demand it happens on a transparent timeline. Together, from a place of strength and solidarity, we can ensure Hennepin County Public Works proactively gives us a clear plan for the 4 — 3 conversion. Join us and volunteer so we can make sure this transformation happens as soon as possible.