Many streets in the Twin Cities are loud, have frequent crashes and lack safe places to walk and bike, and it doesn’t have to be this way.

Designing streets solely for car traffic harms our communities.
While it might not be at the front of your mind, the way streets are designed in your community impacts your likelihood of being involved in a crash, your ability to get around without a car, and the quality of air you breathe.
Redesigning streets for everyone with universal design.
Universal design is a street planning approach that prioritizes accessibility, mobility and usability. It’s centered on the vision that everyone should be able to comfortably and easily use our streets.
Complete streets are safe streets.
Every street reconstruction needs to reflect universal design strategies.
When a street is reconstructed, it is an opportunity to engineer streets for all our neighbors.
Pedestrians killed in 2022— a 40-year high. Every day, 20 people walk outside and end up killed by a moving vehicle.
9° F
The difference in temperature in the Twin Cities thanks to the “urban heat island” effect.
The percentage of Black Minneapolis residents killed by vehicle crashes. 19% of the Minneapolis population is Black.
Explore local street projects.
Streets need community input. Instead of designing streets for cars, we should incorporate universal design and design streets to be vibrant spaces that support the many ways that people get around.