Hennepin County is working to improve access to the Midtown Greenway. There is currently no ADA-compliant entrance to the Greenway in the Whittier neighborhood. The county has identified an existing path through the Soo Line Garden, a community garden on land owned by the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB), which it intends to adapt into an accessible ramp. However, in spite of the county’s assurance that this construction would have minimal impact on the garden, and little evidence to the contrary, the gardeners have maintained a strong opposition to this project.

Expanding Greenway Access:
- Improves community access and inclusivity. Expanding greenway access benefits Whittier residents, providing a needed access point to the popular trail. It also provides an easy exit point to local Lake Street businesses.
- Complies with ADA Guidelines. The absence of an ADA-compliant ramp between Humboldt and I-35W (and the planned closure of the Nicollet ramp) highlights the need for improved accessibility for people with disabilities.
- Preserves the Soo Line Garden. The proposal ensures that any infrastructure developed, including ramps, will complement the garden rather than intrude upon it.
- Utilizes public land. The Soo Line Garden is on public land owned by the park board, emphasizing the need for a solution that benefits the wider community.
- Serves more community members. This change would serve thousands of people, making it a worthwhile tradeoff for the community with minimal impact to the Soo Line Garden.
- Discourages bicycle speeding. The plan includes measures to discourage speeding through the garden space, ensuring safety for all users.
The Soo Line Gardeners oppose the plan because of the estimated 5% loss of garden space, the potential for environmental and pollinator impacts, and concern that increased bicycling and scootering on the Midtown Greenway will make it less peaceful.
All of these concerns have been addressed and are thoroughly outlined in a recent article by Jordan Leick for Streets.mn. The proposed plan estimates 95% of the garden space would remain and that the design actually adds “around 2,000 square feet of new pollinator-friendly plantings.” The planned improvements “require no excavation and would be built at a similar depth to the current garden cultivation.” The claim that the Midtown Greenway, a 5.5-mile grade-separated bicycle trail that many rely on for transportation, might become less “peaceful” for the peripheral community garden due to increased bicycling is questionable at best.
The Hennepin County survey is open for feedback until this Friday, December 15. Take the survey and support the plan for improved Midtown Greenway Access.
MPRB will need to approve the plan. Email MPRB representatives and express your support for improved access to the Midtown Greenway.
Commissioner | Becky | Alper | balper@minneapolisparks.org |
Commissioner | Cathy | Abene | cabene@minneapolisparks.org |
Commissioner | Charles | Rucker | crucker@minneapolisparks.org |
President | Meg | Forney | mforney@minneapolisparks.org |
Commissioner | Billy | Menz | bmenz@minneapolisparks.org |
Commissioner | Stephanie | Musich | smusich@minneapolisparks.org |
Commissioner | Tom | Olsen | tolsen@minneapolisparks.org |
Commissioner | Elizabeth | Shaffer | eshaffer@minneapolisparks.org |
Commissioner | Becka | Thompson | bthompson@minneapolisparks.org |
Dear Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board:
Please approve the Hennepin County plan to make an ADA-accessible path in the Whittier neighborhood. Expanding greenway access benefits Whittier residents by providing a needed access point to the popular trail. It also provides an easy exit point to local Lake Street businesses. Despite misguided opponents, the proposal ensures that any infrastructure developed, including ramps, will complement the garden rather than intrude upon it. This change would serve thousands of people, making it a worthwhile tradeoff for the community with minimal impact to the Soo Line Garden.
Thank you.