Let’s make Lyndale Avenue South safer and more enjoyable.
Hennepin County is reconstructing Lyndale Avenue South between Franklin Avenue and 31st Street. Now is the time to support a people-centered design.
Tell Hennepin County decision-makers to put people first in the Lyndale Ave redesign.
This project is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to redesign Lyndale Avenue S to create a vibrant, walkable street that supports the health and well-being of surrounding residents and businesses.
This redesign is an opportunity to improve safety, accessibility, mode shift, and more.
We learned in 2021 that converting from 4 lanes to 3 lanes saves lives.
Lyndale Avenue has long had one of the highest crash rates in the City of Minneapolis. The 4:3 lane conversion implemented in 2021 proved to be an overwhelming success.
Total crashes were reduced by 57%. Traffic impacts were minimal, and 11% of the traffic at Lyndale & Franklin disappeared. Most drivers are now traveling within the speed limit. 83% of the County’s survey respondents said they felt safer walking or rolling across Lyndale.
Hennepin County should follow universal design for complete streets.
The project should include wider sidewalks, protected bike lanes, 24/7 bus lanes, trees and greenery, raised crosswalks, pedestrian lighting, and public art.
Hennepin County needs to look the project corridor comprehensively.
The project area should be extended north to fix the sidewalk and bikeway gap between Franklin Avenue and the Loring Greenway, so it is accessible for people of all ages and abilities.
4:3 Pilot Project Data
Explore the success of the 4:3 lane conversion project in detail.
Send comments to the project team.
Visit the project page and let Hennepin County know what you want to see on Lyndale Avenue.
Tell Hennepin County to put people first.
Ask Hennepin County Commissioner Marion Greene, project staff, and other key decision-makers to prioritize people in the Lyndale redesign.