Ask MnDOT to Apply for Asphalt Art Grant

Ask MnDOT to Apply for Asphalt Art Grant

In 2023, we asked the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) to apply for a Bloomberg Philanthropies asphalt art grant for the Olson Memorial Highway & Van White Boulevard intersection. Although the City of Minneapolis expressed support for asphalt art on Olson, because MnDOT owns the right-of-way, MnDOT needed to approve the project. They failed to apply…

Save Twin Cities Boulevard

Save Twin Cities Boulevard

The Minnesota Department of Transportation intends to remove at-grade boulevard options from consideration for Rethinking I-94. Take action to keep the Twin Cities Boulevard vision alive.

Public Comment Removal, Biased Traffic and Air Quality Information Raise Concern Amongst Elected Officials

Public Comment Removal, Biased Traffic and Air Quality Information Raise Concern Amongst Elected Officials

On Friday, November 8, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) held a virtual meeting of the Rethinking I-94 Policy Advisory Committee (PAC). The PAC is made up of elected officials from the communities that border the Rethinking I-94 project corridor, a 7.5-mile stretch of highway between Minneapolis and downtown Saint Paul that is up for redesign. While…

Stop the 252/94 Expansion

Stop the 252/94 Expansion

Tell MnDOT and your elected decision-makers that demolishing homes to increase highway lanes and pollution is unacceptable. The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) is moving forward with plans to expand Highway 252 in Brooklyn Center and Brooklyn Park. MnDOT’s proposed options would demolish dozens of homes and businesses, increase toxic pollution in communities of color, worsen safety issues…

“Imagine” Event Series Comes to Cedar-Riverside this Sunday

“Imagine” Event Series Comes to Cedar-Riverside this Sunday

The Minnesota State Fair may be over, but there’s still festival fun to be had in Cedar-Riverside this weekend. The previous organizer of Open Streets, Our Streets, is hosting the final “Imagine” event of the season. Imagine Cedarfest will be at the intersection of Cedar and Riverside Avenue this Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5…

MnDOT Olson Meeting Prior to Imagine 6th Event Shows Promise

MnDOT Olson Meeting Prior to Imagine 6th Event Shows Promise

MnDOT said a “walkable main street” scored highest with community members, which was mirrored in community engagement activities on Saturday. On Thursday, August 8, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) held a virtual meeting of the Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) for their Olson Memorial Highway project. The PAC is made up of elected and appointed…

Imagine Event Empowers Community Input on the Future of I-94

Imagine Event Empowers Community Input on the Future of I-94

More than just a fun block party, the Imagine Frogtown & Rondo event was also a successful community outreach opportunity to uplift the Twin Cities Boulevard campaign. We’ve found no consensus around a land bridge over a rebuilt highway.

Land Bridge & Highway Removal: Compatible, Not Competing

Land Bridge & Highway Removal: Compatible, Not Competing

Should the Rondo community desire to reconnect the neighborhood at-grade, then the boulevard could run below grade through this portion of the corridor. This strategy would solve multiple serious problems created by the highway, from neighborhood disconnection to air pollution and community health disparities.

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